הϵѻteric² Features

Slang Scripting Engine²

MCEdit now supports scripting in S-Lang language. It is a very light solution, yet very functional.

Scripting language support is pretty essential in a vibrant, novel editor. Like Vim and Emacs, הϵѻMCEdit has too support for such feature.

The language chosen for NeoMCEdit is S-Lang. It is a very light, yet powerful language, with very straightforward integration with the hosting application (meaning that it’s easy to develop).

API Functions Documentation

Below is a list of functions exported to the S-Lang interpreter (also available as PDF). The “cure_” prefix stands for “current editor”. All functions are in the mc namespace, i.e.: mc->func().

  1. Movement – #1 function.
    • cure_cursor_move (offset)
      Moves the cursor offset bytes right or left (when offset is smaller than 0).
  2. Getting offsets – #3 functions.
    • cure_cursor_offset (void)
      Returns an integer that is the cursor position in the buffer.
    • cure_get_bol (void)
      Gets an integer that is the offset of the beginning of current line.
    • cure_get_eol (void)
      Gets an integer that is the offset of the end of current line.
  3. Getting data from buffer – #2 functions.
    • cure_get_left_whole_word (skip_space)
      Returns a string that is the word on left of cursor. If skip_space is true, then it jumps over a single block of white space if necessary.
    • cure_get_byte (byte_index)
      Returns the byte at given byte offset.
  4. Editing functions – #3 functions.
    • cure_delete (void)
      Deletes the char under the cursor.
    • cure_backspace (void)
      Deletes the char left of cursor.
    • cure_insert_ahead (char)
      Inserts the given char right of cursor.
  5. Dialog functions – #4 functions.
    • listbox (h, w, title, items)
      Displays the list with given size, title and items.
    • listbox_with_data (h, w, title, items, data)
      Displays the list with given size, title, items and the associated data elements.
    • listbox_auto (title, items)
      Auto sized listbox.
    • message (title,body)
      A press-any-key message dialog with given title and body text.
  6. Action hooks – #2 functions.
    • set_action_hook (action_name, func_name, user_data)
      Hooks up the given function to the given action.

Standard Plugins Shipped With הϵѻMCEdit.

There are 4 plugins that are written in S-Lang language and shipped with הϵѻMCEdit:

  1. grow_shrink_integer.plg.sl – implements the well known Vim feature – increasing and decreasing the number under cursor. Binds to ctrl-alt-a for increase and ctrl-alt-x for decrease by default. The bindings can be overidden by setting the following actions in ~/.config/mc/mc.keymap to a custom key combination (example):


    GrowInteger = alt-a
    ShrinkInteger = alt-x”

  2. capitalize.plg.sl - implements following actions:
    • Capitalize - upcases the first letter of word under the pointer; bound to alt-shift-c by default,
    • ToUpper – upcases the current word (ie. “aBc” becomes “ABC”); bound to ctrl-alt-u by default,
    • ToLower – lowercases the current word; bound to alt-shift-l.
  3. commentify.plg.sl – implements commenting and uncommenting current line with /* … */. It currently supports only such C comments. Bound to alt-i by default. The name of the action is Commentify, so you can alter this binding by including the following in ~/.config/mc/mc.keymap to bind it to alt-c if you want (example):


    Commentify = alt-c

  4. better_marks.plg.sl – a plugin which resolves a considered issue with with MarkUp and MarkDown actions – it changes their behavior from:
    Starting selection at current position and moving vertically 


    Selecting the whole line above or below and moving
    to that line."

    Unlike other plugins better_marks doesn’t define a new action. It only hooks up to the two mentioned, built-in actions and alters their behavior.

«plugin» Directory In «~/.config/mc»

To use the plugins, copy them from misc/ subdirectory of the source tree to a new directory: ~/.config/mc/plugin. All files with the *.sl extension in this dir will be read by הϵѻMCEdit at startup, setting up the plugins.

In case of any problems you may want to set the mc_loglevel variable to 2 or more in ~/.config/mc/init.sl file to see messages confirming loading of each of plugins.

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